Do you ever get that feeling? That you’re not who you want to be. You’re not where you want to be in life. You’re not “far enough” in the story. You’re behind in some way. So many more people, so much younger, so much more success. So much more going on for them. More opportunities, more growth. But alas, you’re being left behind. Get that feeling? Because that’s exactly how I feel.
But you (and me, especially me) has to realise that is all relative. Life is all about relativity. People can start empires at 16, married at 19, dead at 21. Other people can only really begin their lives at 65. It all depends, circumstances, opportunities, mindset, locality, luck. All deeply rooted factors that all play a part. We pursue greatness, but we can only attain what is destined for us. Perhaps now, perhaps later. But as long as we strive, we work, we be grateful, we be kind we be good- there is no way your toils will get wasted. “And what is the reward for good, but good?” – Surah Rahman, 60.
But that still makes me pine for more. Still want to do something extra ordinary. Not normal. Break away from that cookie cutter normal. But why? What is so important, about being different from everyone else? To be the exception that breaks the rules? I guess it’s what makes us individuals, what makes the world interesting. Differences give perspectives. Differences breed ingenuity, intellect furthers. A different solution to the same problem. And thats how we expand our horizons, allow us to experience something we would have never been able to, had it it not been for someones mind expressing itself. If Tolken hasn’t sat down put into words the universe of the Hobbit, if Taranino didn’t script Pulp Fiction, If the Ottomans did not draw out the plans for the Sultan Ahmet, if a man named Omar had not been exiled from Mocha and tried to boil some beans, we’d never know of coffee. Capitalising on ideas then, is the epitome of human ingenuity, and the intellect, is what differentiates us from the rest of creation. Use, don’t abuse, the gift that is the creative man. Read, learn, understand.
“It’s better to be a warrior in a garden, than a gardener in a war”
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