Working from Home I

Is it harder to be good or easier to be bad?

Well both, actually.

The way I see it, bad is good in the short term, but good is good in the long term.

Everything you think is satisfaction now, is useless later, but everything boring now, is useful later. But, you may ask, What are you saying Mr Apex? Why are you speaking in tongues? What are you trying to convey?

And to that, I say, the world is not a box.
There’s no lid no doors,

No cardboard flaps or locks,

And everything in nature from the clouds to the rocks

Is a piece of a puzzle of the purpose of man

You see, what you do now, can have a positive or negative connotation.

There is no “no effect” option to choose from.
What you do now, is a direct effect on the future you. So do something, something positive. Even a raindrop makes ripples in a pond, every little bit counts.

Go be nice to the world, but from 1.5m apart 🙂

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