Life is all about passion. You’ve got to be passionate about something. Politics, Photography, Sports, Medicine- something. Without passion, there is boredom. And that’s when the trouble starts.
Bored people, generally do stupid things. Wasteful things. Destructive things. The human being is such a fickle creature. Its has the potential to seek greatness. I mean look at where we’ve come. We can be friends with people thousands of miles away, be in contact in seconds. We can share passions with people we’d never normally meet. Language has become a barrier no more.
Yet, look at us. We’ve become useless. I don’t speak for you, but for me. We’ve become lazy, uninterested dilly-dallying simpletons. A constant wall of scrollable images and texts, partitions between us and the word. We sit in our little boxes, scrolling, sleeping eating. Achieving nothing. We live in probably one of of the best eras, information has never been this accessible. Ever. Ever. Yet we sit, ignorant and incapable of bettering ourselves or humanity. We contribute nothing. That needs to change, and it needs to change now.
Go. Get out of your comfort zone. Learn something. Inspire someone. Do something.
Be the change you want to be. Find something that excites you. Make it yours. Learn it. Master it.
Turn it up to 11.
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