June 2, 2018
Finished off 100 photos with one similar to my first.
It’s done. I said I’ll do it and I did it. 100 pictures in 100 days. I finally feel established.
Just over 6 months ago, someone was selling a Canon camera, and I decided that I like photography, and I like don’t have a decent camera, so I’d buy it. I used it for a bit, took some pictures of my friends, done. That was that it would seem. I’d just be another Charlie with a camera- has one, but doesn’t really know how it works or what potential it has. But that’s not who I am. If I have something I’m going to use it. Use it to it’s full capabilities.
Enter just over 3 months ago, begining of the semester.
I decided if I was ever going to learn how to shoot or how to use my camera, is have to put in the hours to learn. But I wanted to make sure I stayed true to why I got it- capture the sight around me, and enjoy doing it. So I decided to challenge myself. 100 photos in 100 days. Rules were pretty simple- had to be a picture from that day or week, and had to be posted daily. No missing a day and making up the next, no excuses. Everyday, be it morning or evening, one picture had to be posted. And I did.
I really learnt a lot over the past 3 months. I went from shooting in automatic mode to shooting in manual,changing specific settings, planning shots and post processing my images. I learned that there was something called Lightroom- and how insanely powerful it was. I am by no means a pro, but I finally feel like a know what I’m doing, well enough to see something and be able to visualize it’s outcome in post production. A proficient photographer. That’s what I see myself as.
It wasn’t easy though. I would carry my camera with me daily, looking for ”just one good shot” so that I could post that evening. Half way through I started getting frustrated, but I was committed, I would get my daily shot. That’s what I think made me so dedicated, a desire to improve. I’m happy with the progress I’ve made but it doesn’t stop here. I’ll still be photographing, I’ll still be posting.
But this time, it’ll be quality over quantity.
Every photo, a Parable.
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