I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately. About the importance of wellbeing. And I’ve come to realise that health is the most important thing, obviously. When you’re sick, health is all that matters. Everything pales in comparison. But a close second- if not of equal importance, is emotional wellbeing.
Being of sound mind, makes all the difference.
Food tastes better, the air smells crisper, and everything just looks more appealing. Everyday has promise and hope. Life just rules.
On the flip side, being sad, being lonely, being depressed absolutely sucks. Nothing is interesting anymore, waking up seems like a chore, nothing matters. It’s awful. No one should have to go through it. But alas, we are human beings and the off days are inevitable. The issue seems to be when we let it spiral. An off day is alright, but as soon as it starts spilling over to day(s) and week(s) then you risk it taking over, and losing yourself to the disease. The good news is that our minds are easily manipulated. Happiness is a moving goalpost, but there’s many ways to aim right. Steps can be taken to improve, literally. Just the act of walking down the street, observing and noting the beauty around, exploring the processes of nature, has shown to drastically improve the mental state. Deep breaths, slight meditation. Being thankful to the creator. Learning something new, talking to people. Pursuing a hobby, doing something you love. Eating good food, all have shown to have a significant impact. The world is such a dark place sometimes, but you have to be a fridge.
Let your inner goodness, your inner light. Your روح. Let it trumps all that darkness, all the evil and filth. The world is beautiful, and it was made beautiful for you. Elephants and ants don’t find mountains moving. Only we do. The world was beautified for us, to remember how beautiful its Creator is, and so that we be grateful for it.
Be a fridge my friend. Shine on.
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