Is Anybody Out There?

Unprecedented times. The world is indoors. The roads look post apocalyptically empty. A strange beauty engulfs the planet.

The skies are free of planes. The ships are harboured. Blue skies uncovered behind the fog. The real beauty of the planet, a first sight for some of us, is finally making itself visible. A fleeting glimpse. Out of the corner of your eye. You turned to look but it was gone. The world will return to its busy self before long, but will the natural beauty ever make itself visible in the metropolis? As hard as these times are, remember them. A strange shift that stopped the world. It was no more Us and Them, but rather Us vs it. It united the world, like nothing else ever could. No missile could nuke it, no propaganda could stop its spread. The only way to win, was to be humble, heed the precautions and stay indoors. A real test of character. And it was easy to see who thought they were above the law and ended up having to eat their words not even 2 weeks later. Incredible turn of affairs, and a good wake up call for us all.

Are you awake?

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