The Majestic army of the Terracotta.
Over 8000 Men, 600 horses, weapons,s, and chariots, buried 1.5m underground. Painstaking molded from clay, dried and painted, and set information.
All to guard the tomb of the Great Emperor Qin Shi, the first emperor of China. 40 years, 70000 workers. A sheer display of power, a cling onto the very thing that consumes the souls it fuels. Power is a fickle thing.
In the days of Qin, it was commonplace to massacre the entirety of the kings’ court- all his close companions, friends, wives, warriors, jesters. All to be martyred, to accompany the royal highnesses in the afterlife.
Realization quickly set in, when royalty realized that killing thousands of people every-time somebody important kicked the bucket was really hurting the population statistics. This is where our boy Emperor Qin formulated this mystifying idea of building the largest army of the dead ever known to man. The outcome lies before your eyes.
Power does not come with logic, it seems.
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