My crown jewel. I adore this shot. The culmination of light, framing, editing.
I revere this shot.
Decorating the courtyard of the Xi’an Grand Mosque, are columns towering to the skies, each one more beautiful than the next.
The entryway of the outposts. The first thing that greats you as you Enter this majestic mosque. Sculptured into the stone are the words بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ “In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful”
One of my favourite pictures to date.
A single horizontal pillar situated in the center of the courtyards rises higher than any of the other structures in its proximity- The Minaret.
A Minaret is a slender tower, typically part of a mosque, with a balcony from which a muezzin calls Muslims to prayer.
A breathtaking intertwining of East and West.
A secondary unmarked archway both serves as a secondary, smaller Minaret, and a divider between courtyards.
This brings my parable to an end. A culmination of everything China, Everything Arab, and a snippet of me. The Grand Mosques’ bespoke beauty will hold dear in my heart, but alas, it must be left behind, for Xian awaits.
Watch this space.
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