Category: Blog Posts
Oriental Pearl.
April 19, 2018 Shanghai Diaries II.Probably the most common and most iconic landmark of the City. And rightly so.The Oriental Pearl is a masterclass of architecture, a perfect marriage of Traditional and Modern design.A classic in even the most modern of cities. Reto, yet futuristic.
April 18, 2018 Shanghai Diaries I.We traveled to Shanghai for the long weekend and Grand Prix.This picture was taken closer to the outer rim of the City, showcasing some of Chinas traditional buildings, still in use, but it’s modernism but just a stone throw away.You see this a lot in China, this clash of traditional…
Los Santos.
April 17, 2018Bridges of the City III. The last and final bridge before the city ends, right where the river empties. Captured this at sunset, and It gives off a very GTA vibe, very Los Santos esque.It is also the last image in this collection. A fitting way to finish a set.
Birds of a feather.
April 16, 2018.Bridges of the City IIThis bridge is located closer to the bottom of the City, but is stunning.The two arc on either side look like wings of a bird, flapping in mid air. The real flock of birds crossing the path of the bridge is no coincidence, I camped out waiting for the…
In the hall of the Mountain King.
April 15, 2018.Bridges of the City I.The first of 3 in my bridge set. Decided to go around the city and capture some of the amazing architectural engenuity that is these bridges. Located at the Northern top of the City, this suspension bridge is one of my favorites, and is used to connect the opposing…
Mountain Pass.
April 14, 2018Views from the highway are usually bland. Not this highway. The road kinks and curves as the landscape moves. The mountains serve as an insane backdrop, a constant reminder of the sheer majesty of mother nature. Humankind, at one with mother nature.
Leading lines
April 13, 2018Baren roads and pretty landscapes. Took a mini road trip to the bottom of the City to check out some of the facilities and the bridges as well. Was really surprising to see how much the city actually has to offer, even though we were actually past the cities due restriction. The roads…
Tarmac to Heaven.
April 12, 2018 Insanely pristine road outside campus. You could really see the undulations leading up the mountain, giving an illusion of indefinite accention.Love how it just carrys on and on.Road here are well maintained
Breakfast of champions.
April 11, 2018The last of the macros. Decided to make some sweet sweet goodness for breakfast this morning. Nutella rolls. Or Nutols as I like to call them (pronounced nut ols). Goes well with a cup of joe.
Luminous Affinitous.
April 10, 2018Continuing with yesterdays Macro/Product Photography/Showcase theme, this is my favorite plant I own. I’m quite affectionate to it infact, I’ve had it since it was a wee budding leaf and stem. Been looking after it for almost about 6 months or so, and watching it grow every day. When I went back home…