• 𝔾𝕦𝕝𝕗- π•π”Όπ•Šβ„™π”Έ

    𝔾𝕦𝕝𝕗- π•π”Όπ•Šβ„™π”Έ

    They you have it. One of my favourite projects. A rebuilt, modified Vespa 2 stroke, repainted, custom decaled, retrofit HID headlights and aftermarket carbi and exhaust manifold. All so I can do 32 kph on the highway. The first time I laid eyes on it, it was abandoned in a stairwell on the 4th floor…

  • Dancing man.

    Dancing man.

    The character in front of that perfectly sculptured cloud is (δΊ¬) or jing, the Chinese character meaning capital (city). It looks different to the typed out character, because it’s styled, calligraphy esque. It’s beautiful, because of how weird it actually is. You see, a character in Mandarin, is unlike that of any other language, where…

  • Γ—.


    See that cross over the headlight? It’s electrical tape covering a small part of the light. Seems counterintuitive right?why would you mask the very thing that gives you visibility?Well firstly, it just looks freaking cool. Secondly, it’s a homage to the older days where racing was a real contact sport, and glass headlights broke easily,…

  • Monochrome Worlds. 1|2

    Monochrome Worlds. 1|2

    I recently learnt of a genetic deficit called Achromatopsia, a genetic defect which causes total colour blindness in the affected. That means the inability to see any colour but black, white and shades of grey. It is more common than you think, affecting 1 in 30 000 people, meaning that right this second, there are…

  • Up to 11.

    Up to 11.

    Life is all about passion. You’ve got to be passionate about something. Politics, Photography, Sports, Medicine- something. Without passion, there is boredom. And that’s when the trouble starts. Bored people, generally do stupid things. Wasteful things. Destructive things. The human being is such a fickle creature. Its has the potential to seek greatness. I mean…

  • Motion is tranquility.

    Motion is tranquility.

    The motion series. I saw this picture the other day, of Stefan Johanssons Ferrari during the 1985 Monaco GP and I fell in love with it. It’s know as the Mona Lisa of the Motorsports world, it’s just that good. So, I tried to emulate it. I’m my own style. Not as good of course,…

  • Short Shift.

    Short Shift.

    Manual transmissions are dead. Nobody wants one. Traffic kills the satisfaction of the shift. Even higher end, sports cars, like the new Supra have no manual transmission. The general population just doesn’t want stick shift. People just don’t want to be engaged with driving anymore. It’s a necessity, not an experience anymore. I can honestly…

  • Fancy Footwork.

    Fancy Footwork.

    Some people drive with their eyes. Some with their minds. And some, use their ass. The road makes contact with the rubber. The rubber with the rim. The rim with suspension. The suspension and chassis. The chassis and the seat. The seat and the ass.It’s how a man speaks to machines. To know what it’s…

  • Crystalised.


    The extravagance and beauty of man cannot superseded that of nature.We look to it, we study it and we take cues from it- but still our pursuit is in vain. Natural beauty is perfection. We’d never be able to come close to the magnificence that is creation if we’d never had it to start with.…

  • Cult Classic.

    Cult Classic.

    It’s a strange affair. A new iteration of certain model of car is launched to the masses, and it’s thought to be just another car on the road. People buy them new, trade them in, go to the shops with it, go to work, go to school. People enjoy it, and a few fall in…