Shoalin Shadows
May 9, 2018 Tucked away in the thickets of the leaves, a small hut like stucture appears. You get a lot of these things scattered around the city -and country- just placed and random locations, sometimes on the outermost desolate spot in the middle of nowhere, sometimes on hiking trails, and sometimes in parks.I guess…
Sky dye
May 5, 2018.There’s no reason behind it and I don’t know why, but May is just my favorite month.I don’t know if it’s the fact that there’s so many cool days in May -like may day, May the 4th or mothers day- or that the Climate is just perfect. Everything is green, so the city…
Sahara Sun
May 4, 2018. A lonesome’s tree stands high above the rest, a soldier against the sun.The sun in it’s pocket and the moon in it’s hands.Green and gold.Poetic injustice.(Also this tree looks like a peanuts character, see it?)
Industrial Eve
May 3, 2018.The golden dusk glinted of the cranes in the distance.Loads lowered, generators hum down.Trucks pull out of the construction site.Gate is chained up, jiggled to make sure it’s locked, for good measure.Another construction day done. Progress halted for the night. Family time.Progress paused, momentarily.It all begins again at dawn.
Mountain Trails
May 31, 2018. My first attempt at star trails.Not a fan.Well I wouldn’t say I’m not a fan- just that I prefer for the stars to look as I see them- lightbulbs in the sky, not streaks over a time period (in this case, 3 hours). It’s really pretty, don’t get me wrong, but I…
Don’t lose the forest for the trees.
May 2, 2018“Don’t lose the forest for the trees.”Basically means don’t miss the larger context by burrowing into the minutiae, the details. You would be basically missing the bigger picture because you’re more concerned in the small, finer details. Sky was threatening to cry today, but it held back.The last two days were extremely foggy;…
Blue Mountain Rhapsody.
May 30, 2018 This is it. The last set before I reach 100. The last bit of daily posts. I decided to keep it familiar; a common theme I seem to always be coming back to: Mountains. I love how traditional this picture looks. It’s like from one of those Kung Fu movies where the…
The Last Watch.
May 1, 2018.The last watch tower atop The mountain.Against the backdrop of the sky, the watchtower looks like it’s straight out of a Studio Ghibli movie. I’d like to imagine sitting there and looking down upon the city, gazing at the people going through their lives, all in their own bubble, and looking up, and…
Dystopian Dimensions.
May 29, 2018. Last of the set. Not the best, not the worst. It’s alright. China is quite well know for their supreme road network, connecting 662 cities over 4.3 million kilometres of road surface. That’s really is phenomenal.China is also one of the biggest energy consumers (and producers) of the world, utilizing coal, oil…
Future reflections.
April 30, 2018 The moon rises as the sun sets.Evening in the reflection, but still daytime in reality.Time passed over, but also yet to pass.And with that, April is at it’s end. We’re almost at mid year, yet it still feels like last. Time is a fickle thing.