• Tranquil Tides.

    Tranquil Tides.

    May 17, 2018 It’s just you and the water. Floating. Drifting. Watching the Mountains slowly pass you by. You hear the birds chirping. The water lapping at your raft. The air is crisp. The sun is gentle.For a moment, the world just slows down.In this moment, you are euphoric.

  • Hobbiton


    May 16, 2018I love this picture.It just reminds me of something straight out of The Shire -like they be a hobbit hut poking out of one of the foothills of the mountains- and a Bilbo baggings looking thing smoking a pipe.It just looks so calming.Like nothing could ever go wrong here.All is well in Bag…

  • Peak Altitude

    Peak Altitude

    May 14, 2018. Tried something different today, with regards to image processing. Didn’t really go as well as I’d hoped, was basically a marginal difference as compared to my normal routine.Took twice as long though.I guess that’s the beauty of this whole experiment -and photography in general: almost everyone has a unique take and vision…

  • Valley View

    Valley View

    March 13, 2018 Shidu Valley, Hebei, China.Tucked away a couple kilometers from the capital, a vast valley emerges from the mist of the mountains.Blanketed in shades of green, it stretches on for what seems like an eternity.The sheer size of it all, is captivating enough. If God had a garden on Earth, this would be…

  • Rain dance

    Rain dance

    May 12, 2018. Today it rained. And by rained, I mean poured. Like full on thunderstorms and slippery tarmac. We were almost caught in the storms, but made it home just in time.As soon as the rain subsided, I headed out for some pictures of puddles, but ended up with this. I haven’t seen a…

  • Leading Lines

    Leading Lines

    May 11, 2018.It rained last night and the city was really fogged up today.We really needed the rain, everything was starting to look dry and cracked.Rainy days are always the best, it’s awesome clouds, crazy nice reflections, and best of all, you get to sit at home and drink coffee, and watch the rain patter…

  • Time


    May 10, 2018I’ve said it before, but still- Asia, or China in particular, loves progress. Things literally get built and broken down in the space of a year.Be it for expansion or asthetic purposes, nothing is ever permanent.Case in point, this picture. Snapped in an old housing district, next to some abandoned railway tracks, a…

  • Hunger of the Pine

    Hunger of the Pine

    May 8, 2018.The rains are creeping into the city.The storm clouds, like a blanket, slowly cover the skies.The sun, desperate to keep it’s rays striking the Earths’ surface, cling to the edges of the clouds, waiting for a gap to funnel its light through. There’s a storm abrewing.

  • Evening Reeds

    Evening Reeds

    May 7, 2018. The eve of another day. The sun sinks deeper and deeper, consumed by the low hanging tree reeds.It’s ember, bathing the world in light tint of gold, for just a few minutes, before everything turns to black. Time, carries on. With or without you.

  • Forgotten spring

    Forgotten spring

    May 6th, 2018Poor little guy didn’t get the memo that spring came. A late bloomer, so to speak.Or maybe it’s one of those “snowflake” trees. Thinks he’s different. Stands out from the crowd. Unique.Guess he is special.He caught my eye.