Plethora of Planes

The last of the airshow shots. Man planes are so cool. A true engineering marvel.

But just like planes, there are so many things around us that are insane, that we take for granted.

Take the internet. This weekend, a storm severed the fibre optic lines coming to the house, and literally, it felt like a family member was missing. We had other things to do, sure, but so much of what we usually do revolve around having a connection to the outer realms of the world. 

Whether it was chatting with family back home, or looking up an obscure book reference, we always turned to the internet. It’s become an essential means of life, especially in the current situation the world finds itself in. We need to be able to become dependent on only ourselves and establish a greater link to the creator.

Don’t worry, I’m not going to lecture you in this post. 

All this is, is a reminder to pause- to acknowledge the gift, the miracle that is this world and all that surrounds it, and appreciate it. Appreciation is part of the enjoyment.

Reality transcends things.

Short post today- Just wanted to finish off this set. Got many more ideas for pics and parables soon. Stay tuned!

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