Tools of Trade

The highlight reel. This is the event I witnessed, captivated in a 2-minute thirty-second short film. 

This story is not about the day, or the air show (that will come later), this is the story of the edit.

If you’ve edited videos on any platform before, be it windows movie maker or adobe premiere, you know that videos are very different from photos.

To get a photo right, you have to look at the original, envision an outcome, and move some sliders to get that desired outcome.
With film, there are another 50 dimensions to it.

First, you have to have an idea of an outcome.
Then you have to filter and sort the footage.
Then you have to cut up and edit said footage.
Then you have to find a soundtrack to match the edit.
Then you have to colour correct.
Then is the export.

Not many people realise the effort involved unless they’ve attempted it themselves, and then only do you realise how much of work is put into every edit, and why a film production unit consists of a plethora of filmmakers, editors, colourists, and audio engineers.

you can understand then, that a one man band editing videos is not small feat.

All my tools, (i.e. my desktop pc) are stuck in my apartment overseas. So, if I am to edit, or to make moves, I would use my good old faithful, my Lenovo ThinkPad, straight out of 2013. The very same laptop that I type this from now.

It’s a good laptop, don’t get me wrong, and casual browsing of the webs will show that it is even a cult classic, which people modify, and daily drive to this day, but it’s not capable of heavy lifting, AT ALL.

My own Thinkpad x230 has been extensively chopped and changed by yours truly, and the very addition of a solid-state hard drive and RAM bump allows it to run with the big boys, until the real work begins.

Then its left spinning fans at 5500 rpm, and not going anywhere fast.

It’s my little laptop that can. I love it to bits as frustrating as it might be. I’m waiting to upgrade soon, so expect to see a full homage to this thing on my page in the near future.
Until then, just know that behind every word written, is a cult classic, inundated by the demand of the modern world.
A good analogy for the man behind the keys.

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