
I’ve been putting off posting this for a good few days- I’m not entirely happy with what been coming off my lens recently. I’ve tried editing it every way I know how, but still nothing satisfactory. I wouldn’t say I’ve hit a creative “block”, just that the content I seem to be producing does not satisfy me. A side of me wants to blame the social media- the comparison of other photographers to myself makes me unenthusiastic with my own content. The other, more rational part of me knows that this is a good thing. That I shouldn’t settle for mediocre results. That I should keep learning. Keep aspiring for greatness. Keep looking for new opportunities.
I post this as a reminder as to what mediocrity looks like. I know, every time i go back to this and look at it, I’m going to hate the fact that it’s polluting my feed. The fact that it can’t be changed or removed, because it would probably upset the entire grid and rhythm that I’ve tried so hard to create on my Instagram profile. But it serves as both a reminder and as a lesson- If you’re going to do something, do it right. Once.
One properly done task holds much more value than two sorta done tasks, that when you look back on you think, “ I should have just done it better at that time, now its a part of something so much bigger that can’t be changed.: A black streak in an otherwise beautiful painting.

Greatness Awaits.

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