Sheikhs of Spring

Your 20s are such a weird time. 

You have friends all around your age doing so many different things.

Some people are in school, some people are working office jobs

Some guys are getting married, some are starting a business.

And some write Instagram posts for 20 or so people.

It’s extraordinary because of how much people change during this time as well. 
People you knew just 2 years ago have grown old beyond their years.

There’s a good analogy regarding a man’s life; it goes like this:

They say the mid-morning is like spring; it’s like the child. Coming into existence. It’s a fun time, a time of renewal, a time of innocence, and traditionally folklorically, we associate it with falling in love, etc.

Summer is seen as youth, a time of work, a time of harvest. It’s where you have a lot of time to begin to harvest your crops, a time of study, a time of dedication, exerting a lot of effort.

Fall is seen as the moving into maturity, where you begin to reap the rewards of the fruits of your youth that you harvested, that your mind begins to mature in a way that you become conscious and use the wisdom of your youth in ways. Productivity vs. stagnation. People begin to think beyond themselves as they approach the age of 40. The Muslims actually denote this specific age, where one begins to change the perception and gets out of the egotistical youth and looks beyond one’s personal welfare, and begins to look at how to make their lives meaningful. Ultimate meaning in life arises out of service, out of going beyond the self, looking at what their contribution will be to society, to your family, to your tradition. It’s a beautiful period, because there’s a maturing, and there are variation and colour. The changing of leaves etc

Winter, which is moving into that last period of life, the dryness, where the leaves fall, the body begins to wear, we enter into that last period of life, and then death.

So your 20s are the transition from summer to spring. Some people live in other hemispheres, where spring hasn’t ended, or summer hasn’t begun. Some people are in mid-summer.

Some have even made it to autumn.

Me, I’m still a spring chicken.

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