Moonage Daydream

May 24, 2018.

While I have you guys looking up at the sky, I think I’d like to showcase some of my astrophotography. This moonogram was captured at the beginning of the lunar month, about a week ago.

Astronomy is fascinating. Even more so, is that we have the means to explore and appreciate it, right here on Earth. Even more so, we can look up at the night sky and ͏e͏v͏e͏r͏y͏t͏h͏i͏n͏g ͏i͏s ͏j͏u͏s͏t ͏t͏h͏e͏r͏e. Hanging on our celling for our viewing pleasure. An entire multiplex of system, working in chaotic harmony.
It’s a pity people don’t look up more often.

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